Experience Summer as It Should Be
Booklet brochure for a coed summer camp
Collaboration: 10-page booklet brochure for a coed summer camp
Front Cover / 8.5″ x 5.5″
As with the previous brochure, Chuck Fultz of Ronningen Design provided sketches and project oversight, while I loaded content and designed the layout.
Left: I selected a background photo to accompany the client's mission statement.
Right: I formatted and rewrote all the copy to improve the wording and style (and to fit the text to the layout).
While loading the content I chose age-appropriate photos and trimmed down each program description.
I had fun creating the central photo collage, combining scenery and activity to strike the right balance.
Left: The testimonial quotes are styled after the website. Notice the citation is paired with a silhouette head shot that identifies the speaker's gender.
Right: It's easier said than done to balance four vertical portraits on a page like this.
I patterned the back cover off the client's website footer, which has a nice scenic shot in the background but is not too difficult to use with overlaid text.
Booklet brochure for a coed summer camp